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Decision Critical zero-based budgeting software out-simplifies and out-performs unwieldy spreadsheets and rigid budgeting programs

Dynamic flexibility

Clear analytics

Increased participation

Strategic planning

Identify and enhance key drivers of success

Modeling in a few steps

From our blog

Introducing the new equipment dashboard: sharper, faster, more transparent.

Introducing the new equipment dashboard: sharper, faster, more transparent.

Introducing the new equipment dashboard: sharper, faster, more transparent.

Introducing the new equipment dashboard: sharper, faster, more transparent.

Try Decision Critical for free


Decision Critical zero-based budgeting software out-simplifies and out-performs unwieldy spreadsheets and rigid budgeting programs

Clear analytics

Get a complete cross section of the enterprise. Decision Critical's built-in reporting allows teams to leave rigid ratio-based guesstimates behind. Teams get accurate reports and rolling future views of key operational events and their consequences, anchored in the kind of granularity invariably absent in most budget reporting (for example, the real world effects of seasonality, temporary cash flow shortfalls, price fluctuations, etc.).

Market estimation

Choose from a variety of demand calculators to size the market quickly. Change demand rules quickly or create granular exceptions – there are no formulas to break!

Financial statements

Automatic calculation of monthly, quarterly and yearly income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements. Full drilldown capabilities.

Throughput analysis

Based on step-by-step process data, taking into account resource limitations, prioritization and other factors. Identify and address bottlenecks instantaneously.

Operational reports

Staff deployment, equipment roll-out schedules, physical space requirements, capital adequacy, resource use and much more.

Dynamic flexibility

Decision Critical seamlessly integrates teams' best information into multiple 'what if' iterations to support any business decision. Easily change inputs and understand how results ripple through the entire enterprise at multiple levels. See scenarios visually in charts, graphs, tables and get or share a quick visual graphic understanding of the likely results of any decision on all parts of the enterprise.

Change values

Change any value and see the immediate impact on results. Don't be bound by the rigid unidirectionality of spreadsheets, update forecasts according to the best, most up-to-date information available.

Manage dependencies

Causal chains are essential to robust forecasting. Build a more elegant forecast that updates more quickly and precludes data-entry errors with Decision Critical's simple set-up of cause-and-effect relationships.

Scenario analysis

Automatic calculation of monthly, quarterly and yearly income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements. Full drilldown capabilities.

Sensitivity analysis

Zero-in on key parameters that influence performance in the enterprise. Don't be distracted by factors which do not.

Increased participation

Leverage your entire knowledge base. Decision Critical's user-friendly interface collects and synthesizes information from multiple sources and serves as a team's double-check on possible missed costs (or opportunities). Decision Critical won't let teams forget important items that are material to both performance management and potential strategic decisions. Beyond the cross-checking that comes from structured collaboration, increased participation in shaping a plan compiled through realistic, transparent methods serves as a powerful mobilization tool to align and motivate all of key implementers to achieve results.

Transparent structure

Abstract, ratio-driven modeling methodologies and financial jargon can alienate participants, negatively impacting data collection efforts. Decision Critical focuses on discrete, observable events as the building blocks for enterprise models.

Cross-functional collaboration

Traverse seamlessly between units, process times, accounting entries and other functional perspectives to break down silos and encourage high-quality, spirited engagement across teams.

Intuitive use

Enterprise modeling is not just for spreadsheet power users anymore. Decision Critical does not presuppose a specific technical skill set – clear thinking and inquisitiveness are sufficient.

Better buy-in

Ultimately, a transparent and participatory planning process is a powerful motivator. Make the strategic plan a living vision for the company, a roadmap that people helped create and want to get behind.


Designed to work efficiently and accurately without extensive IT support, building your first model in Decision Critical is simple and fast.

Getting started

Detailed, step-by-step instructions for building out your first model in Decision Critical.

Instructional videos

See how to get the most out of Decision Critical.

Decision Critical vs. spreadsheets

Compare Decision Critical as an alternative to spreadsheet-based modeling.


Frequently-asked questions about Decision Critical capabilities.

Free training

For a free training session with one of our experienced modelers, contact us for a demo.

Interactive equipment dashboard

We are proud to announce a more advanced, user-friendly equipment list in the new release that will reduce the time spent editing, updating and analyzing equipment data. The latest release adds a ton of visual changes and some handy customization options to the equipment list. Now, equipment data can be added and edited with just one click.

The Equipment List

Decision Critical's equipment suite boasts some handy functionality such as automatic depreciation calculation, to help owners and finance managers forecast accurate costs over a particular period. When the purchase price and useful life of equipment are entered into the equipment card, the software will automatically calculate the depreciation each year based on the configured set of rules. Replacement is also automatic.

The cost of owning a piece of equipment can include other indirect costs such as the operator, space requirement, electricity usage and maintenance. These costs can be as significant as the direct costs when it comes to budgeting and decision making. With Decision Critical, you don't miss out on any of these small yet important factors as the software takes care of everything, linking a group of interrelated items together into a single 'causal chain'.

The New Release: Incisive and Intuitive

In the latest release, we have focused on the overall interactivity and ease of use of the equipment list. Some of the new improvements include:

  • Two viewing options
  • Graphical representation of quantity
  • Interactive interface
  • Customizability.

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